Sunlit new pavement installation in suburban area

5 Considerations Before Installing Pavement

Sunlit new pavement installation in suburban area

Before installing pavement, consider the space’s features and choose suitable materials based on climate and cost. Hiring experienced professionals ensures a successful and durable pavement installation.

1. Evaluating Your Space

Evaluating your space is crucial before beginning any pavement installation. This includes assessing the area’s size and shape, and considering existing features like slopes, trees, or built structures. These factors help determine the project’s scope and the most suitable pavement design.

It’s important to be aware of any existing issues such as standing water or eroding soil, as these can indicate critical concerns like drainage problems or unstable foundations.

Key aspects to consider include:

  • Drainage: Check for puddles or overflowing drains, which could lead to more severe pavement damage.
  • Foundation Stability: Look for signs of instability like warping or frequent pothole repairs which might require closer examination of the foundation.

Regular evaluations help maintain the pavement in good condition and extend its lifespan. Professional help can simplify this process. Companies like 360 Remodeling and Building have expertise in complex pavement installations and can guide you through these evaluations, ensuring potential issues are addressed early on.

Aerial view of a diverse landscape being evaluated for pavement installation, featuring varying terrain with slopes, trees, and a built structure, alongside visual signs of drainage issues like puddles

2. Choosing the Right Materials

Selecting the right materials is essential for any paving project. Various materials offer different benefits and drawbacks, influencing your choice.

Concrete is known for its durability and minimal maintenance, though it can crack under extreme conditions.

  • Pros: Durable, low maintenance
  • Cons: Prone to cracking

Asphalt is flexible and better suited for harsh conditions, but it requires frequent upkeep.

  • Pros: Flexible, melts snow quickly
  • Cons: High maintenance

Natural stone provides the highest aesthetic appeal but is more expensive and requires careful installation.

  • Pros: Beautiful, diverse options
  • Cons: High cost, complex installation

Your choice should consider factors like aesthetics, cost, and maintenance. Consulting with an experienced professional can provide tailored advice. For more insights, visit our guide to paver selection.

3. Understanding Cost Implications

The overall costs of pavement installation cover various elements, including materials and labor. Each material has its price and performance features that influence the total expense.

Labor involves tasks like site preparation and paving, which are labor-intensive and require skilled professionals for a durable outcome.

Additional features such as extra base layers or post-paving sealing can also impact your budget. Preparing for these costs helps in wise and early budget planning. Awareness of necessary processes like grading for proper drainage can prevent unexpected expenses.

Understanding these cost components is crucial for setting realistic budgets and planning effectively for your pavement project. Learn more about cost analysis for brick driveway paving.

A diverse team of construction workers preparing a site and laying paving materials with various tools, emphasizing skilled labor and material diversity

4. Considering the Climate

Climate significantly affects pavement decisions. Different materials react differently under various weather conditions, affecting their durability and maintenance needs.

Asphalt’s color change from black to gray indicates UV damage, which can compromise its condition. Considering weather exposure is important before making a material choice.

  • Protection: Sealing asphalt about 30 days after installation can extend its lifespan by protecting against weather elements.

Understanding the impact of climate on pavement materials helps in managing their maintenance and longevity effectively. For additional tips, visit our blog on why pool patio pavers develop gaps.

Asphalt pavement transitioning from black to gray under the intense sun, surrounded by various weather symbols like sun, rain, and snow

5. Hiring Professionals

Selecting a qualified contractor is crucial for a successful pavement installation. Verifying credentials like licensure and certifications ensures adherence to industry standards.

Comparing bids helps understand what each covers, from materials to labor costs. Avoid unusually low bids as they may compromise quality.

Checking references from past clients gives insights into the contractor’s reliability and quality of work. Visiting previous job sites can also help assess their workmanship.

360 Remodeling and Building offers experienced services for pavement installations, ensuring professional and satisfactory results. Explore our range of services and request a free quote today.

Sources Used:

  • Asphalt Kingdom Blog – Provided insights on pavement assessment and maintenance considerations.

A professional contractor discussing pavement installation plans with a client, showing samples of materials and a blueprint on a construction site

Sources Used:

  • Asphalt Kingdom Blog – Provided insights on pavement assessment and maintenance considerations.


What should I consider when evaluating the space for pavement installation?

Assessing the area’s size, shape, and existing features like slopes and structures is important. Checking for issues like standing water or soil erosion can reveal drainage problems or foundation instability. Regular evaluations help maintain the pavement’s condition and extend its lifespan. Professional help from companies like 360 Remodeling and Building can simplify this process.

How do I choose the right materials for paving?

Choosing the right paving material depends on factors like durability, maintenance, aesthetics, and cost. Options include concrete, asphalt, and natural stone, each with its own pros and cons. Consulting with a professional can help you make the best choice based on your specific needs.

What are the cost implications of pavement installation?

Costs include materials, labor, and additional features like extra base layers or sealing. Material choice significantly affects the overall cost. Labor involves tasks like site preparation and paving. Planning these costs in advance helps in setting a realistic budget.

How does climate affect pavement selection and durability?

Climate impacts the selection and durability of pavement materials. For instance, asphalt requires suitable binders depending on the climate and can degrade under UV exposure. Proper drainage and sealing are crucial to protect pavement from weather-related damage.

Why is hiring a professional important for pavement installation?

Hiring a credible contractor ensures that pavement installation meets industry standards. Verify a contractor’s licensure and certifications, compare bids, and check references to assess their reliability and work quality. Choosing the right contractor significantly affects the quality and success of the installation.