
Bringing Back Brick: A Paver’s Perspective


Despite facing challenges like increased costs and environmental concerns, the paver’s perspective celebrates the durability, aesthetic appeal, and long-term value of using brick in construction. Initiatives in places like Monrovia further demonstrate brick’s viability and relevance by balancing historical preservation with modern sustainable practices.

1. The Decline of Brick in Modern Construction

The popularity of brick in residential construction has dropped due to several factors:

  • Economic Challenges: The cost of labor and materials for brick construction has risen. This makes brick less cost-effective compared to materials like steel.
  • Time and Labor Intensive: Building with brick is more time-consuming and requires skilled labor, which is increasingly expensive.
  • Environmental Concerns:
  • The production of bricks involves the use of fossil fuels, contributing to climate change.
  • In contrast, wood acts as a carbon sink and is less demanding in terms of transportation, making it a more sustainable option.
  • Design and Aesthetics:
  • Modern design trends often favor materials that offer flexibility and variety, such as composite materials that can mimic the look of brick.
  • Despite this, brick’s durability, fire resistance, and classic appeal still attract some homeowners.
  • Technological Advances:
  • New techniques and technologies in construction may revive the use of brick by making it more economically viable and environmentally friendly in the future.


2. The Benefits of Brick in Home Construction

Brick has been a top choice for construction due to its numerous benefits. It’s known for its strength and ability to withstand harsh weather, fire, pests, and decay. This makes it a low-maintenance option that saves homeowners on repair and upkeep costs.

  • Durability and Maintenance: Brick structures are incredibly durable, resisting severe weather and natural wear and tear. They also deter fire, pests, and rot, requiring far less maintenance compared to other building materials.
  • Energy and Sound Efficiency: Bricks naturally insulate homes, keeping interiors cooler in summer and warmer in winter, which can lead to lower energy bills. They also have excellent soundproofing properties, reducing noise pollution from outside.
  • Environmental Impact: Made from natural materials, bricks are environmentally friendly. They can be recycled and reused, reducing waste and promoting sustainable construction practices.
  • Aesthetics and Value: Bricks offer a variety of colors, textures, and sizes, allowing for flexible design options. Homes built with brick have a timeless appeal and often fetch a higher resale value due to their aesthetic and structural qualities.
  • Health Benefits: By regulating indoor humidity levels, bricks contribute to improved indoor air quality, making living environments healthier.

Despite the higher initial cost, the long-term benefits of using brick, such as increased property value and reduced maintenance expenses, make it a worthwhile investment for many homeowners. Discover various paving patterns that you can incorporate into your driveway design.

3. Reviving Brick in Monrovia: Local Pavers’ Initiatives

In Monrovia, pavers are bringing brick back into construction by focusing on the preservation of historic bricks. They start with a detailed assessment of the site and research into the building’s history to understand the original brick types and construction methods used.

  • When restoring, the preference is to repair rather than replace bricks. If replacement is necessary, new bricks are carefully matched with the original in size, color, texture, and material. This meticulous process helps maintain the authenticity of the structures.
  • The cleaning of these historic bricks avoids harsh methods like power washing. Instead, gentle, non-acidic detergents are used to preserve the brick’s original color and character. When mortar is damaged, repointing is done carefully to match the historic mortar in type, color, texture, and strength.
  • To address water damage, Monrovia’s pavers avoid waterproofing coatings that trap moisture. They use materials compatible with the original masonry to make necessary repairs, ensuring long-term preservation.
  • The revival efforts are not just about maintaining buildings but also about sustainable practices. They use recycled materials like wood and reclaimed bricks, and incorporate energy-efficient features like upgraded insulation and windows.
  • These restoration projects are community-focused, often leading to increased tourism, job creation, and local economic benefits. Monrovia’s approach respects both historical significance and modern needs, balancing preservation with progress through adaptive reuse of heritage buildings.
  • The innovative architectural use of bricks is also highlighted in local projects. New designs demonstrate bricks’ versatility, affordability, and environmental efficiency, ensuring their relevance in modern construction.


4. Future Prospects: The Role of Brick in Sustainable Building

Brick has been a staple in construction for over 5,000 years, but its production often harms the environment. Innovations are changing this, making brick a key player in sustainable building:

  • K-Briq: Developed by Kenoteq, these bricks are made from over 90% construction waste and emit far less carbon than traditional bricks. They can be colored using recycled pigments.
  • Eco-friendly Innovations:
  • Algae-Grown Limestone: Created to make cement production carbon neutral or negative.
  • Bio-Integrated Wall Tiles: These tiles use microalgae to treat contaminated water.
  • Mycelium-Grown Bio-Bricks: A sustainable alternative to conventional building materials.
  • Soil-Based Concrete Alternative: A new method that uses soil to create a durable composite.
  • Carbon Emission Upcycled Tiles: Made from carbon black, a byproduct of fossil fuel combustion.
  • Regenerative Bio-Concrete: This concrete can heal its own fractures using bacteria.
  • Mycelium-Based Acoustic Panels: Used for making eco-friendly interior products.
  • Desert Sand Concrete Alternative: A reusable material made with organic binders and desert sand.
  • Pollution Absorbing Bricks: These bricks filter air pollutants, offering a dual function.
  • Mineral Wool Geopolymer: Utilizes mineral wool waste for products like façade panels.

These advancements show a shift towards reusing materials and reducing waste in construction, aligning with the principles of a circular economy. This approach not only addresses environmental concerns but also redefines our building methods. For homeowners and developers interested in sustainable construction, exploring these new materials can be a significant step forward. Learn about our eco-friendly construction options at 360 Remodeling and Building Services.



What factors have led to the decline in the use of brick in modern construction?

The decline of brick usage can be attributed to economic challenges, as the costs for labor and materials have increased, making brick less cost-effective. Additionally, brick construction is time and labor-intensive, demanding skilled labor, which is becoming more expensive. Environmental concerns also play a role; brick production involves the use of fossil fuels, contributing to climate change. Modern design trends often favor more versatile materials, and technological advances in other materials have made them more appealing.

What are the key benefits of using brick in home construction?

Brick is favored for its strength and durability, making it capable of withstanding severe weather, fire, pests, and decay, which contributes to lower maintenance costs. It provides excellent insulation, reducing energy bills and has soundproofing properties that decrease noise pollution. Brick is also made from natural materials, making it environmentally friendly since it can be recycled and reused. Additionally, brick enhances aesthetic appeal and can increase a home’s resale value due to its timeless look and structural qualities.

How are local pavers in Monrovia working to revive the use of brick in construction?

In Monrovia, local pavers focus on preserving historic bricks by repairing rather than replacing them wherever possible. They meticulously match new bricks with the original in size, color, texture, and material to maintain authenticity. Gentle cleaning methods are used to preserve the brick’s original appearance, and compatible materials are used for necessary repairs to ensure long-term preservation. These efforts also include sustainable practices and community-focused projects that promote tourism and local economic growth.

What role does brick play in sustainable building according to recent innovations?

Brick plays a crucial role in sustainable building through innovations that make its production less harmful to the environment. For instance, K-Briq, made from over 90% construction waste, emits far less carbon than traditional bricks. Other eco-friendly innovations include algae-grown limestone and mycelium-grown bio-bricks, which provide sustainable alternatives to conventional materials. Such advancements align with the principles of a circular economy, aiming to reuse materials and reduce waste, thus redefining building methods for environmental sustainability.